Summer Sports Newsletter
Dear Parents/Carers,
The children at Seaton Primary School have been taking part and been involved in lots of PE this term, they would like to share what they have been learning in their lessons.
PE Lessons Summer Term:
The children have been following the Real PE programme in some aspects of their PE lessons. Real PE looks at 6 areas of children’s development: personal, social, cognitive, creative, physical and health and fitness.
Also preparation for sports day, the events that all the children took part in on Sports Day were: Long distance running, Sprint relay, Standing long jump and standing throw. Depending on the year group depended if they threw a bean bag, tennis ball or vortex. Each year group also chose to do a fun event, these included: egg and spoon race, under over and rob the nest.
Some years have also been looking at Swimming, Tennis and Cricket.
Year 1
After all the sports day preparation for the next part of term year 1 started swimming. These lessons are designed for the children to become more confident in the water. They have started to include the push and glide to front-stroke and backstroke. All the children have made a great start and will continue to swim as they move up the school.
Year 2
After focusing on Sports day year 2 started looking at Tennis. This included looking at the forehand and backhand stroke. Also looking at body position and how to hold the tennis racket. As the term progressed they built up to a rally with a partner, seeing if they could hit the ball over the net. We also had a little look at the start of cricket. Introducing the children to the equipment and basics of the game.
Year 3
The first part of term was focusing on sports day events once sports day had been, for the next part of term they started off with tennis. Learning the basic skills to be able to have a rally with a partner. This included, forehand and backhand stroke. Standing side on and holding the racket in the correct way. At the end of term year 3 had the chance to also play some cricket. Going over the basics and having the chance to field and bat.
Year 4
Following on from sports day they moved on to focusing on cricket. The children had the chance to bat, bowl and field. When batting they were told to focus on placement over power to try to score more runs. Moving onto fielding they focused on the long barrier and how throwing the ball is quicker than running with it.
They also looked at tennis for a couple of weeks. They recapped how to hold the racket and body position to hit the ball, eventually building up a rally to hit the ball over the net.
Year 5
Year 5 started off the year planning and practising for sports day. All the children took part in all of the events.
During the next part of term they moved on to look at cricket. Starting off with fielding, recapping how to get a player out and looking at the long barrier and throwing. All the children then had the chance to bat, how they held the bat and deciding when to run.
They finished the term with tennis, looking at forehands and backhands and hitting the ball over the net.
After school clubs have continued to be a massive success with the children. Over the term the clubs that have been on offer were: football, rounders, cricket, tennis, netball and invasion games.
We also ran a one off Ultimate Nerf Gun Battle event. Children in years 1 to 6 played in teams in a variety of different games including, save the general, all v all and teams. All the children who attended really enjoyed themselves.
Holiday Camps
During May half term we ran our first holiday camp at Seaton. It was a huge success, the children that attended had the chance to take part in various sports including: dodgeball, bench-ball, football, kick rounders and cricket to name a few. Some of the other activities they took part in were: Nerf gun battle, arts and crafts and parachute games.
The camp will return in the Summer holidays this time being based at the scout hut in Seaton. Some of the activities are going to include: swimming, movie and popcorn afternoon, animal visits, variety of sports and lots of arts and crafts.
Hope you have a lovely Summer Break! Kind Regards
Miss Moxom (PE Teacher)