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We teach religious education in accordance with Exploring Beliefs, Celebrating Diversity and the Agreed Syllabus for Devon and Torbay. The Agreed Syllabus is a programme of study which has been drawn up by members of the council, members of the education profession, and representatives of all the major faiths and denominations.

We aim to promote tolerance and respect for people of all faiths (and those of no faith), cultures and lifestyles through the effective spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils. We also make links to the fundamental British values throughout our curriculum. We invite many guest speakers into our school to talk to the children and share their beliefs. The curriculum is designed to teach pupils about the world around them and how they can be part of it. It tries to develop a sense of personal identity and teaches children about relationships with other individuals and groups. It helps them to communicate and reflect on their thoughts and feelings and to approach and question ultimate values.